The Tet Commandments
Yes, you read that right Tet, not Ten, I will explain in a min. I will warn you what you are about to read will make you think really long and hard! This is not for the faint of heart or mind.
We have been diagramming the Ten Commandments this past week, this is what we found according to the translations that we were given for we read it in the original Hebrew, We found that the commandments are way more cut and dry then what I grew up knowing. Compare this with Exodus 20:2-17
Number and comments
Literal Hebrew
Idiomatic Hebrew
Aleph (1) As you can see this firsts one is not a technical commandment. Just a statement from the Lord of who he is.
brought You out who your God Adonai I am from the house of bondage from the land of Egypt
I am the Lord your God who is taking you out of the land of Egypt.
Bet (2) This is where the first one starts.
before me other gods you shall have not
You shall have no other gods before me.
Gimmel (3)
to vanity your God the name of Adonai you shall take Not.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Dalet (4)
for holiness the Sabbath day Remember
you shall remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
Hey (5) Notice how Mother is first in this order?
and your mother your father on Honor!
honor your mother and father
Vav (6)
you shall murder Not
you shall not murder
Zayin (7)
you shall commit adultery Not
you shall not commit adultery.
Chet (8)
you shall steal Not
you shall not steal.
Tet (9)
false witness against your neighbor
You shall not bear false witness.
Yod (10)
The house of your neighbor you shall covet Not
you shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
As you have been reading you may have come to the same conclusion that I did. There are really only nine commandments technically! The number for nine in Hebrew is Tet. Crazy right? My mind is still recovering from being blown! Planting tomatoes in the greenhouse!
We have a full functioning lettuce garden! The best salads in the world! I am so excited for the rest of the garden to grow.